I had hoped that I would be able to show you a completed jacket this week. But the sleeves are too long. With my hands by my side, the cuffs are about level with my middle fingertips. Ideally, they would be level with my wrists. Maybe I do have short-a*%e arms in comparison to the general populace as the sleeve is at least 15cm (6") too long.
Anyway, the upshot is not as bad as MintyFresh's having to knit the whole thing again. I am going to attempt the frogging back from the cast-on edge of the cuffs. I haven't done that before so wish me luck.
Wait! There's a better way than frogging FROM the cuff (which doesn't actually frog, it's more like painfully picking one stitch at a time) you could instead do this: cut one stitch on the row where you would like the fold line to be. Then carefully unravel just that row. Then pick up those sleeve stitches and you will basically knit down from there. So do the purl fold line, then the hem. You might want to look at how wide the sleeve is at this point where you want the fold line to be. You probably did a bunch of increasing to get to this point. Consider if the wide wrist/cuff is going to be a problem? There is a catch to this method, you should always change stitch pattern, st st to rib, or garter, or something when you pick up these stitches because you are picking up the 'down' loops, and therefore all the stitches will be 'off' by half a stitch. It works here because you will do a purl row for a fold line. I hope that makes sense...
Thanks for this Hickory - I'll give the technique a go.
Can you comment on how the sleeves got that long? Was it something about the way the front is hanging? Did you only discover this after you'd put the jacket together? 'cause my front and sleeve seem to be OK, but now I'm wondering how the whole thing will come together. --Liz
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