Sunday, March 12, 2006

all my pieces are done!

I finished knitting the back last night, and this afternoon I lightly steam-blocked all of them. There's no way I could sew down the hem on the circular pieces or even sew the parts together without getting them to sit flatter--the work was curling like crazy.

sunrise circle jacket pieces

Because of the angle, the two front pieces don't look the same in this photo, but they really are identical. And the far piece (right front) is puckering up a bit because I tossed it over there just for the photo and didn't neaten it up. Everything is nice and smooth and flat. The M1s in the half circles definitely smoothed out upon steaming.

Next up: seaming!


At 6:46 PM, Blogger Jerry & Maxy said...

YEAH MINTY!!!!! It looks GREAT!!!!! :)


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