Friday, February 24, 2006

about the sizing

Have you already decided about which size are you having for your jacket? I think it's rather difficult to find out accurate size.
In my case, I'm now working in 33.5 inch. size and I have finished back and 1st front now. So, I tried seaming them together so that I make sure whether my jacket got accurate size and fitted me well.
Oh.. my goodness, the jacket seems to me to be slightly tight and the length is nearly one inch longer than I wanted. I need more room and to shorten it...

As you already know, it's almost impossible to change anything on the half circle formed front part. That means I have no choice but to choose the smallest size if I don't want. If we need roomy jacket, we have to get longer jacket. Does anyone have any idea about the size? I couldn't work on the jacket with some other yarn again unless I find out some solution now.

And one more..
I'm working with Lett-Lopi and my gauge of row is different from the instructions. If I ignored the pattern gauge, I might definitely get even longer jacket. I noticed it, and so I changed the instructions into my gauge.(I have posted about it on my blog on 14th February) Please keep the accurate gauge if you want your jacket to be more like the picture on IK.


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Readers FYI -- Lett Lopi is sold in the US as Lite Lopi.

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was also wondering about how to choose the best size for this jacket. The model is wearing the 37" bust size version and elsewhere in the magazine she wears the smallest size of other sweaters. Makes me wonder if this one needs a fair bit of ease.


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