Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hey Newbies, Start with the Fronts!

Hey all you newbies -- I just wanted to pass along a piece of advice that Kate, the SCJ pattern author, shared with the knitalong early on. She said to start with the fronts, and knit the back last so that you could adjust the back to fit the length of the sides. Many people have found that their gauge is off, and have had to adjust the back to match it.

Read Kate's original message here.

And a follow-up here.


At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the suggestion. In reading her first comment, it notes to knit one of the sides first before the back to adjust rows. I've knit the left side and decided to then knit the back. It seems to fit well - although I won't truly know the fit until I seam it together. I'm almost done with the raglan decreases on the back and then will move onto the right side.

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Crystal said...

Thanks for this! I was just noticing last night that my gauge was off for the back, and I'm going to have to rip. I will definitely take her advice and make one of the fronts before redoing the back.


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