Thursday, April 06, 2006

Kindness and a beginning

I have been having one of those weeks. You know, one of those weeks where you set the toaster oven on fire? One of those weeks where you knock over a bottle of masala sauce at Trader Joe's and it shatters and you confess to knocking it over even though you have no idea how it happened? One of those weeks where your incredibly easy taxes take over two hours to do? One of those weeks when you realize you need to pay your car registration and get your car smogged, but when you do you forget to include your proof insurance AND you have to go to one of those special smog testing sites that cost two and a half times as much?

The last thing on that list got me to go to AAA (after going to the special smog testing site) to get my proof of insurance. While there I noticed that you can register your car at AAA, so once I had my proof of insurance I got in line to prove I had insurance. As I stood there I worked on this:

Left sleeve, Sunrise Circle Jacket

Yes, I have finally started my Sunrise Circle Jacket! I am knitting in my favorite wooly wool, Peace Fleece in Shaba.

So, when I got to the front of the line the woman says to me, "Oh, that's very nice. What is it?" Of course any time I get to talk knitting, I go a little crazy so I go into great detail about the sweater and how it is a present for someone, blah, blah, blah. Then tell her my story: special smog test, paid fees, forgot insurance, registration expires on Saturday. She looks at the computer and sees that my insurance is in the record (um, how did they know that?). So, I should just wait for the stickers? At this point, I think she looked at my knitting and took a knitter's leap of faith and believed that I paid my fees. She gave me a temporary registration for April and told me everything is going to be alright. After a week of static & running around like a fool, it was nice to get a (temporary) break.

X-posted here.


At 1:57 PM, Blogger Karen said...

I'm glad your week seems to be starting to go right now. I love the beginning of your jacket - that color is wonderful.

At 2:39 AM, Blogger cpurl17 said...

Knitting magic strikes again!

I love the color you picked for your jacket! And, just think, NO DMV for ONE YEAR!!


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